Saturday, November 22, 2014


BattleKnight is one of the many browser games available on the internet that deals with massive and macroscopic elements and settings, wherein players have the ability to control their own kingdoms, nations or worlds and develop their forces to pig it against the forces of other players. The game allows you to zoom in and zoom out the screen as you see it fit.

The adventures of your main character is obtained by accomplishing daily tasks, which comprise of missions, knight duels and jousting. Missions are divided into good and evil while dueling is required for your character to level up. Silver, which is the game's primary currency, is obtained from competing in jousting events. After taking part in jousting, missions or duels, you'll be able to look at the battle statistics of your fight, including who won, the damage dealt to one another, how many attacks were blocked and so on. In dueling, the game adds another visual layer, which features two 3D models of knights that hit each other repeatedly with similar graphics, until one of them eventually dies.


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