Saturday, November 15, 2014

Dragon Pals

Dragon Pals is a side-scrolling MMORPG that blends elements of several different titles, including Dawn of Darkness, Wartune and even Dragon city. And the mixture turns out to be cheap-looking and ridiculously familiar and as a result, tiresome all the way through.

It hasn't been long since games like Dawn of Darkness, Legend Warriors, and Immortal Realms came around with the same gameplay and slight differences in visuals or trivial details. And that is what Dragon also seems to be doing. In this game, players, as in all the three abovementioned titles, travel across towns, crawl dungeons, recruit companions, and enhance gear to increase their power. Thanks to the automatic navigating and the side-scrolling maps, the adventuring remains simple enough to be handled by newbies of this genre.

Dragon Pals

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